Category: Fitness

  • Maintaining a Healthy Diet During Chemotherapy

    Maintaining a Healthy Diet During Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy, as anyone who has gone through will tell you, can come with its very own, serious side effects. The radiation from the treatment can make your mealtime especially difficult as chemotherapy can alter your appetite and your sense or taste and smell. It can make you nauseous, making it difficult to keep food down.…

  • Where To Bike Ride in Upstate New York This Fall

    Where To Bike Ride in Upstate New York This Fall

    The large spaces of upstate New York are great for hiking, kayaking and biking. As the weather trends cooler and the hardwood forests turn pretty shades of scarlet, orange and yellow, it’s an exciting time to be out in nature. The Catskills and the Adirondack Mountains offer nearly unlimited opportunities for biking. The Hudson River…

  • Top 4 Ways To Get Fit Without Joining a Gym

    Top 4 Ways To Get Fit Without Joining a Gym

    When it comes to ramping up your fitness level, joining a gym probably seems like the best possible solution to you, doesn’t it? While it is true that going to the gym is a great thing to do, it is definitely not the most convenient option for everyone. With this in mind, while going to…

  • Staying in Shape: These 6 Strategies Will Help You Tone Your Belly Fat

    Staying in Shape: These 6 Strategies Will Help You Tone Your Belly Fat

    Toning belly fat is a way for people to feel more comfortable in their own skin and boost their confidence levels. There are multiple ways that belly fat can be toned and most options have to do with targeting the hormone in your body that holds the fat in your belly area. The six strategies…

  • How to Use a Foam Roller

    How to Use a Foam Roller

    Foam rollers are an ideal addition to your fitness regime. Foam rollers are cheap and highly versatile, and they have a number of benefits. They help you work out the tension from your muscles, improve your balance, improve your range of motion, and also help relieve stress. Find out more about foam rollers and how…

  • The best fitness gear to have to prevent injury

    The best fitness gear to have to prevent injury

    Working out and exercise in general has never been as popular as it is currently. This was, not so long ago, a fairly niche area, but today more and more individuals are getting involved in the world of fitness, and enjoying the numerous benefits it brings.

  • Simple ways to get a sound night’s sleep

    Simple ways to get a sound night’s sleep

    As a parent, you might find that sound sleeps and luxurious lie-ins are but a distant memory. All those night time feeds and early starts can play havoc with your sleeping pattern, and now you might be lucky to get more than a few hours’ shuteye at a time. However, it’s well worth making an…

  • What Is It All About Australia’s Love Of Cycling

    What Is It All About Australia’s Love Of Cycling

    While Australia still is bicycle crazy, their love of the sport began over a century ago. The initial cycling craze began more than a 100 years ago in the 1860’s when the velocipede was invented. Both men and women were fascinated with this new creation constructed out of iron or wood with pedals, and in…

  • Streamline your morning routine

    Streamline your morning routine

    Mornings are difficult for most people, especially for families with small children. Getting the kids ready for school can be hectic, resulting in meltdowns, tantrums and increased stress. Even the most organised of parents sometimes encounter challenges that can turn promising mornings into chaotic affairs. Thankfully, busy parents are able to get their families off…

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