Category: Money

  • Business Model Innovations

    Business Model Innovations

    A robust business model improves an organization’s resilience against economic storms and shifting market conditions. Unfortunately, too many businesses fail simply because of poor financial management. Business models encourage entrepreneurs to track profits and losses. This practice also improves business sustainability. Poor financial management has caused a staggering number of businesses to fail, and a…

  • Paying for Home Additions With a Credit Card

    Paying for Home Additions With a Credit Card

    If you are a homeowner, then you probably know what it’s like to run into renovations, additions, or redesigns that may be necessary throughout the home. However, most people aren’t expecting to pay for these large expenses out of pocket. Even if you have the funds to do so, it’s never fun to watch all…

  • How The Price Of The US Dollar & Gold Are Linked

    How The Price Of The US Dollar & Gold Are Linked

    When you look at the price of gold, you will see that, like other commodities, its value fluctuates daily. There are two significant factors at play in determining the value of gold, and supply and demand are one, while the value of the US dollar is another. If you are new to investing in gold…

  • Effective Ways you can Homeschool on a Budget

    Effective Ways you can Homeschool on a Budget

    Changes in the world have given many people a new perspective on homeschooling. More and more people are looking at homeschooling as a good way to educate their children, but the costs can add up quickly. Learning how to homeschool on a budget is not the easiest thing to do, especially if you have more…

  • A Freelancer’s Guide To Saving Money

    A Freelancer’s Guide To Saving Money

    If you are a freelancer, it is essential to keep track of your income and your spending. Calculating Freelancer Taxes isn’t an easy thing, and it gets out of hands if you delay it to the last minute. Depending on how you took up freelancing, you might be earning more or less than your full-time…

  • A Guide to Buying Bitcoin in Melbourne

    A Guide to Buying Bitcoin in Melbourne

    Image Source: Unsplash If you are currently living in Melbourne and would like to acquire some Bitcoin, this article was written with you in mind. Melbourne is fast becoming the Bitcoin centre of the world and there are many retail outlets that have the “Bitcoin Accepted Here” sticker in their shop window. The list is…

  • How to Make Money Online in 2018?

    How to Make Money Online in 2018?

    When it comes to the hot topic of making money online, different people are looking for different things. For instance, while some are just looking for a way to give their household budget a slight boost, others are interested in a trade in which they could eventually transition from part- to full-time. Moreover, while some…

  • Buying a Family Vehicle When Money is Tight

    Buying a Family Vehicle When Money is Tight

    As of 2015, it was estimated that there were 25.8 million licensed cars in England. Chances are, you and your family are one of the millions who own one (or more) of these vehicles. Having a family often requires the use of at least one car to be able to meet the demands of your hectic…

  • Financing a family quiz – find out how much your family will cost

    Financing a family quiz – find out how much your family will cost

    Whether you’re planning on starting a family or you have one already, it’s helpful to know how much you’ll need financially to sustain your family. True Potential Investor, personal pension and ISA specialist, has put together a great Financing a Family interactive quiz, to help you find out how much your children could cost you.

  • Saving Money on Children’s Clothing

    Saving Money on Children’s Clothing

    Individuals with children will always try to get away to save some money on their children’s clothing. A lot of people want to get the greatest value for their minimum budget to save more. Here is the guide on how to save more money on your children clothing be it you are in clothing or…

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