Month: February 2021

  • Are we winning the war on drugs?

    Are we winning the war on drugs?

    Are we winning the war on drugs? Are we getting what we need out of our spending to combat the violent drug trade? Yes, yes, and yes. Let’s say that. We’re spending more money fighting the drug war than ever before, yet the violence on both sides is increasing. “There is a vicious, shifting calculus…

  • What To Consider When Downsizing Your Home

    What To Consider When Downsizing Your Home

    With the global pandemic still ravishing the world, many people face a struggle financially, which may mean they have to downsize their homes. When you must do this, there are many factors to consider, and you will want to take your time to do this if you can. Below are some of the considerations you…

  • Post Partum Depression

    Post Partum Depression

    Taking care of a newborn for the first few months is hard. People commonly complain that it’s hard to manage after they become parents. With the high demand for care, many people are unable to give the care that their children require. Pregnancy, labour, and giving birth are life changing events. For many, it is…

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