Hair loss is part of our life. As we grow older, we are more prone to this kind of problem. However, getting bald due to hair loss can make you look older

If you suffer from hair loss, it could affect you and your perception of yourself. But don’t worry because there’s always a solution to every problem. And in this case, you can try to understand your problem better by reading through Hair Helpine, other similar sites and research studies on the web. There are a few tips you can pick to improve your overall hair health.

Today, we are going to give you six simple remedies that can help you reduce hair loss experience. It’s safe and offers a lower price compared to hair transplants.

So, if you have a minimal budget, check out these six simple remedies to fight hair loss.

  1. Consider Using Biotin

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is an excellent supplement to reduce hair loss. You can easily find biotin from the food you eat. Among these are eggs and mushrooms. These are superb food and highly rich in biotin. To use the biotin, apply it on your scalp.

  1. Time to Take Iron

Iron is a vital nutrient that helps your body to develop more blood. If you have low blood, it can lead to hair loss. That’s because the blood doesn’t circulate properly to your body. Once blood is unable to reach your hair follicles properly, it can weaken the hair strands. As such, it will not generate healthy hair.

Make sure to eat lots of iron-rich foods such as fish, lean meat, broccoli, and green herbs. Of course, you can take medication that helps you boost the iron level in your body.

  1. Go for Zinc

Zinc plays a significant role in our bodies. It helps to strengthen the hair roots under your scalp. As such, it nourishes your hair strands.

You can intake zinc vitamins, and it will improve your wellness, especially your hair.

  1. Use Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy oils such as lavender, rosemary, and thyme have been used to lessen hair loss many years ago. These essential oils can boost hair growth significantly.

All you have to do is rub these oils into your scalp and leave it for about two minutes every night. They also provide relaxing smells that can help you feel more relaxed.

  1. Time to Use Melatonin

Melatonin is commonly used by people to make a good night’s sleep or reduce the anxiety of jet lag. However, a product made with the goodness of melatonin can also improve hair growth or overcome hair loss issue. A study shows that people who use melatonin products achieve hair growth improvement within just 30 days. Wondering how? We all know that hair loss is induced by hormone imbalance. In cases of estrogen and progesterone deficiency, hair grows much more slowly and becomes much thinner. Likewise, when these hormones decline, male hormones such as androgens are produced in greater amounts, especially in women. Note that androgens lead to the shrinking of hair follicles, which, in turn, causes hair loss. Nevertheless, supplements containing melatonin (like the vitamins for female hormone balance) help in strengthening the immune system and balancing the hormones. This ensures that the production of estrogen and progesterone is improved, consequently, enhancing the growth of hair.

  1. Use Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil has proven to be effective against hair loss. That’s because it improves the natural oil from our hair, resulting in hair growth. If none of these techniques are working in your favor, try looking for hair restoration in Denver or elsewhere as it may help you look more youthful.


The remedies mentioned above are simple ways that can help you reduce the hair loss experience. If you want to know more about other solutions for battling hair loss, it’s time to check out these non-surgical hair fall treatments. They are safe and effective and offer advanced solutions to conquer your hair loss problem.