Tips For Ensuring Your Child’s Safety At Home
By Kath / September 1, 2016 / No Comments / Tips
During different age stages of a child’s life there are different things that can potentially cause them harm within their own home. When you have a little one that has just come home their sleeping arrangements need to be special, to keep them safe, but since they won’t be crawling or walking yet you don’t need to worry about many of the other potential dangers.
However, once they are crawling, and then standing and walking, you will need to start considering other safety precautions. There are many areas in the home that can be dangerous for little ones on the move, and little ones are also very curious with both their mouths and their hands.
Keeping Them Inside
When your little ones start to be able to wander you want to make sure you are keeping them indoors. There have been plenty of instances of toddlers found walking down the road alone, at all times of the day and night. Don’t let your little one become one of those statistics. In case they love sneaking outdoors and you can’t help it after all your failed attempts, consider getting your house fenced. It should preferably be a link chain fencing (sites similar to could prove to be helpful in this regard) so that the toddlers can enjoy the outside view, for which they perhaps come out. This way, even if they get out of the main door, they won’t at least end up on the streets.
Besides, to keep them safe inside, put child safety latches on doors, and make sure that your windows are safe as well. No matter what story you live on, children can get hurt if they fall out of a window. Maybe it’s time to get your windows replaced with ones that lock open (so that don’t accidentally fall on little fingers) and lock shut (so little ones aren’t getting them open when no one is watching them).
Potential Choking Hazards And Things They Shouldn’t Eat
Make sure that you are not keep choking hazards in reach of children. Anything that can fit in your child’s mouth poses a chance for causing them to choke. This includes things like buttons, certain foods, candy, and even some knick knacks.
You also want to ensure that they are not eating things that aren’t meant to be ate. That means keeping ashtrays out of reach from little ones. That also means not leaving medications laying around, even over the counter ones. There are even edible foods that pose dangers to children, like grapes, which they can choke on.
Protection From Household Hazards
You should also make sure that you are putting safety locks on cupboards, especially those containing anything that could be poison to your little ones. This includes the cupboards under your bathroom and kitchen sinks, where you store hazardous chemicals.
Hazardous chemicals aren’t the only household hazards to be worried about. Consider pinched fingers in cupboards, windows and doors. There is also the chance of bumped heads on sharp table corners, as well as fall chairs. Make sure to secure heavier, larger furniture as well, like dressers and book shelves.
Make your home a safe place for your little one and you can rest assured they will be safe and happy when they are under your roof.