Play the fashion game: with these great health tips
By Kath / October 26, 2015 / No Comments / Tips
The fashion game is about as reliable as the shifty bloke who stands on your street corner. One week, Karl Lagerfeld is championing wearing lampshades on your head, the next Victoria Westwood is claiming that lampshades are uglier than Wayne Rooney’s noggin.
But trust has never been the foundation of fashion. It’s about the shock of the new. Trends stem from novelty, like your latest tech app. But there’s one element of fashion that’s remained vital – good health.
While there’s been a backlash against size zero models (arguably quite rightly), even plus-size models need to maintain a healthy appearance.
Because health in the fashion world isn’t about size, but appearance.
You probably don’t expect to look like one of the reigning fashion models – but that doesn’t mean a healthier appearance won’t help you look fantastic.
Forget the fad diets and quick-fix solutions – there are numerous easy peasy ways to become healthier. Here are just a few.
Better skin – with better skincare
Do you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and cringe at the state of your skin? Dry, flaky, and covered in blackheads – you’re never going to get a starring role in a Clearasil ad.
There are a number of reasons why your skin might not be looking its best. Are you guzzling enough Diet Coke to fill the Atlantic Ocean? Do you down coffee by the gallon? Is your answer to effective hydration a liter of Sprite?
Replace your obnoxiously sugary drinks with an average of eight glasses of water a day for less greasy and pallid skin.
The next step in your skincare regime should be to find a few creams that’ll keep you on the right side of youth.
For our cash, Crepe Erase for skin is your best bet in terms of keeping those nasty wrinkles at bay. Combine water and creams and you’ll enjoy a pimple and crepe-free appearance.
Whatever products you choose, make sure that they are compatible with your skin. It might be wise to consult a skincare specialist or a dermatologist as well. Remember that not all skincare products contain substances good for you.
But how do you know which ones are bad? Is there a website to see if ingredients are bad? Well, the good news is there are plenty, plus there are other avenues as well. However, you should still talk to someone who understands the products and your skin well.
Short bursts of fitness
When you suffer from lazybones, bothering to exercises is about as appealing as a pomegranate enema. But not every workout has to mean a one-way ticket to exhaustion.
Instead of lumbering through your fitness regime, try a simple 15 minute workout – just enough time to work up a sweat, but not quite enough to burn you out.
As you build a resilience to your 15 minutes, add an extra few minutes to keep up the pressure. Do this in increments and you’ll enjoy a fully-fledged regime. And you’ll look great no matter what you wear.