The end of a year can be a time for reflection. As another year starts, so you’ll probably be trying to think of ways to make it better, simpler and if possible more enjoyable. If you look back over the last 12 months, you’ll see things that you’d like to change, things that you wish you did better or other things that you wish you’d started doing sooner. So with that in mind, here we look at one thing in particular – time.

Time is precious. It cannot be refunded or returned. Once spent it’s gone, no matter how much you wish to get it back. It’s also in limited supply, and although it’s true that there are 24 hours in each and every day, it never seems like enough. You can’t cheat it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t spend it more wisely. So here we look at how you can best use the time that you have, freeing up some more of it to enable you to do the fun things as well as the chores! We’ll look at one simple means by which you can start to make a difference. That little piece of magic comes in the form of clothing stamps for 2019, and if used properly and effectively you’ll come to realise that it is indeed possible to win name, set and match!

What Are They?

Well they could simply be described as exactly that – clothing stamps. But their magic goes a little deeper than that. You are able to label items of clothing with a distinct and recognisable mark, be it a name, a pattern or a symbol. That item of clothing suddenly becomes personalised and identifiable as belonging to you – or moreover your child.

They come in many forms too. Forget the old style sew on name tags that you may have had stitched into your uniform back when you were at school. Things have progressed. Now they come ready to use as a stamp. You can label an item of clothing as easily as a push of a button.

If you want something a little more bespoke than just a name, then think of a graphic relevant to your child – be it in the form of a logo, badge or picture that reflects their interests or hobbies. They are the ultimate on-the-fly labelling system, can be reused and are the fastest way to label clothes. They won’t disappear when you wash the clothes, and of course they’ll be washed a lot no doubt. They will not run nor ruin the garments either, and once stamped that’s it!

Why Would You Use Them? 

So you can label clothes quickly and efficiently, but why would you be doing it? Surely this is creating work not saving time? Wrong! Think carefully of all of those times when you have been sat sorting through a pile of clothes, clothes that all look the same and are uniform. One shirt looks like another, what might belong to your son, may in fact not even belong in your house! That time sorting, washing and sorting again is spent. By using clothing stamps for 2019, that time can be freed up. Immediately you’ll see the name/label and know to whom it belongs. There is no more confusion and no more sorting – simple! The time saved, and that’s a lot of time, can be spent doing something fun as a family, rather than arguing about responsibility of ownership.

Teaching a child to take pride in their belongings is a difficult task for anyone. But it is made so much harder when it comes to uniform because everything is the same. The school changing rooms will be awash with 20+ jumpers that all look exactly alike, so who can blame anyone who doesn’t want to search through them. Labelling creates an element of pride of ownership, because that item is no longer uniform, instead it is unique. So not only are you saving your own time, you’re able to teach some positive life lessons too – that really is a win, win situation.

Often the best ideas are the simplest, and that is especially true when it comes to clothing stamps. They might not be a new thing, but there’s a revolution in their usage. A flick of the wrist can turn a humdrum garment into a possession, can make laundry day (i.e. every day!) that much simpler, and life is about finding simplicity. So if you’ve been wondering what changes to make, it’s suggested that clothing stamps for 2019 should certainly be included. It’s time to win, name, set and match!