It may surprise you, but quad biking enthusiasts are essentially one big family and welcome everyone into the fold, and this applies to children as well. Any quad biking venue or club you visit both in the UK and overseas will welcome all comers and be willing to help and provide friendly advice if required. Getting the kids on a quad bike is easy as it contains all the elements that kids love, namely a challenge, excitement and the opportunity to get dirty in the fresh air.  


Image Source: Pixabay 

If you are thinking about getting your kids into quad biking, there are wealth of places where you can start, each with their own dedicated quad bikes and sections for children to give it a go. If your kids take to it like a duck to water, you may want to start looking for quality quad bikes for sale from a specialist supplier. These dedicated quad bike specialists will be able to recommend the most suitable model, give further advice and also provide all the necessary safety equipment. Without jumping the gun too much, please see below for a basic run down on kids quad biking.  

Kids Quad Biking Essentials 

  • Lower Age Limit – It’s generally accepted that kids younger than six years old shouldn’t really be riding quads and this rule is enforced in most quad biking venues. However, this is dependent on the venue itself and if your kid has gained experienced at a young age and demonstrates that he or she can control a quad safely, they may be allowed to ride. This is at the quad venue management’s discretion though. 
  • Purpose Designed Quad Bikes – It’s important that kids have size appropriate quads. Do not let a youngster attempt to ride a bigger model, no matter how tempting it might be. Call the venue in advance to make sure they have age appropriate quad bikes before you leave home. 
  • A Vast Selection of Locations – A quick Google search will tell you all you need to know about the wide range of venues for quad biking in the UK or anywhere else in the world. If you fancy a venue that is some distance from home, you could even make a weekend of it. Call the selected venue to see if they know of any accommodation options nearby or even a campsite, weather permitting. 
  • The Courses – The sheer variety of courses from venue to venue is staggering. From blasting through woods and rivers to more challenging mountain courses, there really is something for everyone. Of course, it is essential that you take into account the difficulty of the course if your kid has limited experience. 
  • Fun, Fun, Fun – The main reason to take kids quad biking is the fun factor. Above all, they should enjoy it. With the variety of venues you can choose from and the quality of the quad bikes available, this should never be an issue! 

before you set off and introduce your kid to the fun of quad bike riding, remember to make sure safety is prioritised including training and equipment.