With the two week break for the Easter holidays fast approaching those parents with more than one child know how they’ll be at each other’s throats in no time at all unless they’re provided with something to occupy them. With two daughters myself I’m fully aware of how little it takes to set them off fighting with each other after a few days of no other company outside our small group and here are a few of our favourite things to do over the Easter holidays. Once Easter is over and the kids are back to school I will be playing at my favourite online bingo community Butlers Bingo.

  • Animals

Assuming the weather is dry enough, a perfect way to spend a day with curious youngsters is to take them to your local zoo or petting zoo even, for the day. They get to explore the area then watch and ask about the animals in the confines of the zoo, so it’s a day of learning as much as taking their minds off fighting with each other!

Not only this, but I have found that a day at the zoo wears down younger children so, apart from a little sniping due to tiredness, they’re usually too tired from the day out that they’re unable to fight with each other and fall asleep nice and early for a quiet evening for myself and my husband.

  • Let them get involved

Whether it be cleaning, cooking or just going on my laptop to play some free games or upload pictures to Facebook letting my children be involved in whatever I’m doing helps them forget about them being off school. Of all the things, they love helping me bake in the kitchen, loving to help pour and mix the ingredients and even the cleaning up afterwards. Of course the sampling of baked goods is fairly high up on their reasons for volunteering too! You could get some inspiration for baking from Fantasia Cakes.

  • Play Dates

Whether it is nice, sunny and dry or cold, miserable and wet there is always opportunity to arrange play dates with school friends during the Easter holidays. If it’s dry then bringing food and drinks to the local park so the younger ones can run around and play while you relax with their friend’s parents in the sun while helping yourselves to nibbles is a great way to spend a few hours in the afternoon.

The same can be said about it being wet, although your house does tend to get a little more trashed looking after a few hours (or even minutes!).

  • Seaside

No matter who you are nor how old you are, nothing beats a weekend away at the seaside. I recall times from my childhood where I spent weekends in a caravan with my parents at the beach when it was pouring rain yet I still ran up and down the beach, hopping in and out of the water and building sandcastles and these are some of the happiest memories I have. Children love the sand, the sea and the attractions and amusements that every seaside town has, as well as the fact that they get to eat takeout food, ice creams and candy floss for the weekend too.

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