A Guide To Caring For Your Family’s Skin All Year
By Kath / July 17, 2016 / No Comments / Tips
For each season of the year, there is something out there that can mess with your skin. From spring allergy season, to summer sunshine, to fall winds, and winter chill, your skin needs you to keep it healthy. There are many ways to make sure you have healthy skin, no matter what season it is.
During any season, you can experience dry skin, or even struggle with itchy skin. Both of these can be a sign of an underlying issues, which could include things like dermatitis and allergies. Here are some tips to deal with skin problems, and protect your skin, the whole year through.
Springtime Skin Care
In the spring allergy season strikes, and many people with moderate to severe allergies may experience extra itching, rashes, hives, and more during the worst parts of allergy season. When things start to bloom in spring, so do allergies.
Make sure, if you suffer from skin allergies, you always have a anti-histamine cream on hand. This can be your savior, and help keep you from itching your skin raw or causing more issues. If itching doesn’t go away after a couple days with home treatment, or is extreme, visit your doctor.
Summertime Skin Care
In the summer, your main concern for your skin is going to be protecting it from the sun. This is especially important for your kids. Studies have shown that if you’ve had a bad burn from the sun as a child it increases your risk of developing skin cancer later in life.
This is why it is extremely important to use a good quality, high SPF sunblock on your children every time they are spending time outside in the sun. You should wear it too. Make sure to readminister often on super hot days, when you are sweating a lot, and when swimming.
Fall Skin Care
During the autumn months, your biggest skin tormentor will probably be the winds. You can get wind burn, so protect your skin with jackets and scarves. At this time the air starts to get cooler, and your skin will start to feel a little dryer too. Both wind protection and dry skin protection start with a good moisturiser. Along with that, you can also buy an Egyptian skin care face cream or any of similar kind that can be applied at night to get a refreshed face when you wake up.
Winter Skin Care
That dry skin issue is going to continue on in through the winter months, so make sure you have plenty of lotion on hand. You also want to protect your skin from the cold weather when winter strikes. Frostbite can kill skin.
Make sure to always bundle up, especially on extra cold day. Wear gloves, hats, and even wear a scarf to protect the delicate skin on your face. The only way to protect yourself from the cold is to make sure your precious skin isn’t exposed, or at least not exposed for too long.