7 Valuable Apps for Parents
By Kath / October 20, 2013 / No Comments / Children
Parents are usually faced with an enormous responsibility from juggling work, finances, family, children and their personal needs. Mobile technology becomes an important partner of parents in managing their time and responsibilities, making them more organized and productive every day. Mobile applications are numerous and there are several apps with distinct features that can help make a parent’s life more convenient and easy to manage such as these 7 valuable apps for parents.
This mobile app will help a parent learn how to manage disagreement and conflict between their children. Instead of freaking out when your kids are in the middle of an argument, Positive Discipline is an application that can help you pacify your children the positive way instead of turning yourself into a monster mom or dad. It offers several parenting strategies that will help you learn to manage children conflicts positively without the screaming and yelling. Using the app will help parents learn how to understand children behavior and find creative ways of managing children tantrums and conflicts. Paying $2.99 for this app from Google Play will certainly spare parents from the pain of being caught in the middle of children conflicts and tantrums.
2. Viber
Viber is a must-have mobile app for parents. This is a free application for Smartphones that you can download from Google Play and Apple Store that allows you to send free text messages and place free calls from a mobile with an internet connection. You can keep in touch with your loved ones and keep tabs of your children’s activities as you can instantly connect with them anytime. Instant messaging is possible with Viber and you can guarantee quality voice call each time you call your spouse or kids for free. Despite your hectic schedule, keeping in touch with your family is an important part of your daily routine and Viber can be your partner in making this possible.
3. Clear
This is a must-have productivity application on mobile for busy parents. Clear can help you remember important activities at work and to remember your children’s school activities that you never want to miss, and keep a list of your grocery or shopping needs. It can also help you organize your hectic schedules for a more smooth sailing accomplishment of important responsibilities at home and work. The app is very user friendly, leaving you no frustrations on using it. You can simply swipe to check an item that you are done with already. It only takes a shake of your phone to send an email about the list of your important schedules and activities. You can personalize the category by work, personal, children, home, shopping, finance and many others according to your needs. Clear is a perfect organizer for a busy parent in keeping things at the right perspectives.
4. iHomeopathy
Parents are always greatly concerned about their family’s health and safety. This mobile app comes very handy for parents in understanding childhood illnesses and the possible things that they can do in case of medical emergencies. It provides first aid homeopathic remedies that come very useful for managing common illnesses and health problems. While the mobile app cannot replace a doctor’s diagnosis, treatment and management, it helps a lot in case of emergencies and in rendering first aid treatment at the first sign of symptoms of common illnesses. It is a pocket medical first aid source for parents that will be readily available on their Smartphone.
5. ShieldMyTeen
With children getting more technology savvy, parents needs to exercise control and manage how their children use technology without corrupting their values and healthy behavior. This mobile app is a good app to use in tracking the mobile phones of your kids, keep tabs of communications made on the monitored phone and even control how your child can use their mobile browsing features. It is easier to control, prohibit and manage how children use mobile technology such as Smartphones and tablets, allowing parents better parental control on their children online activities.
6. Cozi Family Calendar and List
It can be quite a frustrating experience to be managing multiple tasks and responsibilities all at once. This mobile app can save you the effort of remembering important dates, appointments, activities, and tasks to do every day. You can easily regulate your messy schedules with this mobile app where you can color code categories and be reminded by the app when a task is due or when you need to get something done. It also allows you to plan your week long agenda so that you will not miss important events or tasks. The app is best for a multi-tasking parent who needs to organize everything using a single app with the ability of taking the role of a personal assistant in reminding you of important events, activities or tasks, giving you the peace of mind that you have everything under control.
7. NetSpysoftware.com
The safety of their children will always be a priority to most parents. They want to know what their child is doing at a given time and want to track down their whereabouts even when they are not around to be with them. NetSpy Mobile is a mobile app that can keep you updated about your child’s activities in real time such as knowing where they have been going, who are the people they are keeping in touch with in text messaging and calls and what websites they visit from their mobile browser. This mobile app is powerful enough to help parents exercise parental guidance and monitoring on their children activities, giving them the peace of mind of being aware of their children’s whereabouts and be updated about their social networks even when they are at work or away from them.