5 Key Things to Consider for Your Child’s Christening
By Kath / January 4, 2016 / No Comments / Children
When you are planning a child’s christening it is easy to get overwhelmed by the task. You are probably only getting by on a few hours of sleep a night right now and this makes it easy to forget things. Make sure you start planning six to eight weeks in advance so that you can book the church and make all of the arrangements. Here are five key things consider so you don’t forget any of the important details.
Choose the Perfect Christening Gown
You can purchase a new, bespoke christening gown for your child. Make sure you don’t purchase it too far in advance or it may not fit your baby on his or her special day. Make sure the baby is comfortable in the outfit so there won’t be any fussing and the baby can sleep comfortably at the event.
Who will the God Parents be?
Carefully consider who you want the spiritual advisors for your child to be. The godparents can play an important part in your child’s upbringing so it is best to choose people that are responsible and have similar spiritual ideas to your own. Pick two people that you know you can rely on. Make sure to give them plenty of notice to rearrange their schedules for the christening. You can also invite them to help you plan the event.
What Size do you want the Party to be and Where?
Decide whether you want to have just a few close friends and family or invite a large number of people. Once you have decided on the number of guests you plan to invite it is much easier to choose a venue and theme. The church may have a room that you can use for the after party or you may want to consider booking a party room at a restaurant.
Do You Want Gifts from the Guests?
If you don’t want people to bring gifts for the baby it is essential that you make note of that on the invitation. If you do want gifts you don’t need to mention anything. You may want to register or set up a website with a list of things that the baby needs so you don’t wind up with duplicates of things. Your guests will find this very helpful when they are picking up the perfect present for your child.
Should you Hire a Professional Photographer?
This is an important day in your child’s life and you don’t want to miss a second of it. If you take the pictures yourself you will be running around trying to snap the perfect photos and miss some of the fun. Consider hiring a professional photographer and you can be free to spend time with your baby and your guests. If you have certain shots in mind let the photographer know in advance and they will make sure to get them. Make sure that the church you are booking allows photography inside, as some don’t.