Although a lot of women have heard about how difficult pregnancy can be from the aching back, to not being able to enjoy sushi or glasses of wine, pregnancy isn’t all that bad.  There are plenty of things to look forward to about it if you look on the positive side.

Pregnancy is an opportunity to watch your body perform miracles and comes with some extra perks that you may not have even thought about.  Here are some of the best things to look forward to about pregnancy.

More Curves

Being pregnant means more curves in places that you may have never had them before.  Many women feel voluptuous and beautiful as their bodies fill throughout the nine months of pregnancy.

Your breasts will get bigger, sometimes as much as four sizes up, which some women pay good money for by getting surgery done.  Many women never want pregnancy to end and say that they feel more feminine than ever! American superstar actress Angelina Jolie said of her pregnancy body, “It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple.”


A Detox

Even though you may be initially devastated to hear that you will be missing out on some of your favorite foods which may not be suitable for the baby, try to look on the bright side.  Your body will go through a detox without harmful chemicals or substances for an extended period of time.

As a result, you’ll feel rejuvenated and great.  Sometimes women don’t even realize the effects of harmful substances until they’ve been eliminated from their bodies.  They feel stronger, more energized, and empowered overall. Pregnancy is a great excuse to clear your body of toxins.


Longer Hair and Nails

Since your body is taking in extra minerals and vitamins to be able to provide the perfect home for your baby, you may experience extreme hair and nail growth.  Most women who are pregnant say that they’ve never felt their hair so healthy and thick.

Just keep in mind that it can take a dramatic turn after giving birth when your hormones drop.  Many women experience temporary hair loss after giving birth, so enjoy the luscious locks while they last!


Down Time

Even though you may be anxious to have your baby and start your new life as a parent, keep in mind that you’ll have an enormous amount of work to do once the baby arrives.The sleepless nights and constant rocking and shushing can start to wear new parents out quickly.  Enjoy the period of downtime before your baby comes into the world.  Take time for reflection and sleeping in. Enjoy the silence before the madness of the storm arrives!