With kids today being obsessed with technology, many parents are worried about how often their children are out in the world and getting fresh air. Even if you have a home with a great yard, your kids might not be using it to the extent that you would have hoped for. But with a few little tweaks, you might be able to make your yard a place that your children will want to gather and spend time. To help you accomplish this, here are three ways you can make your backyard a place your kids will love.

Put Up A Fence

If your backyard currently doesn’t have a fence, you might want to consider installing one. Even though you might not think it important to your kids, Better Homes and Gardens shares that most people, including kids, want to have a bit of privacy when enjoying their outdoor space. Not only can this help your kids to feel more comfortable when playing outside, but it can also help to keep them safe. Parents are often worried about their children playing outside alone, be it because they’re worried about their children wandering off or others wandering in. But with a good fence, you don’t have to be as concerned about these things anymore.

Allow Critters To Thrive

Even if you think the only thing your children like to do is play video games or watch TV, you might be surprised to see just how interested are in the living creatures of the world around them. Naturally, most kids love to explore. To pique these interests in your own children, Outdoor Living Today recommends that you create a backyard space that allows critters to thrive. Now, you don’t have to bring in anything that’s going to be a pest, but you might want to plant some flowers or a garden that will attract some natural flora and fauna that your children can get up close and personal with.

Give Them Safe Play Structures

If you have children that love to jump and play, you might want to bring in some play structures for them to enjoy in your backyard. However, when you do this, you want to ensure that the structures you’re bringing in are going to be safe for them. For example, while your kids might want a trampoline, SafeWise.com shares that this structure is the cause for more than one million visits to the emergency room. So before you bring in something like this, or a treehouse or a swing set, make sure you know the potential dangers that await as well.

To make your backyard a place where your kids will want to go, consider using the tips mentioned above to make some small but impactful improvements.